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$1 student franchise helps top students pay for school and learn entrepreneurship

The single most valuable thing a student can do is start the right business.

This is a bold claim. Why am I so confident?

Because starting the right business transformed my life. In less than a year, I went from welfare to earning over $100K/year. For the first time, I had financial freedom. I paid off my debts. I had power over my time.

How did I do it? I started a service company called Third Door Marketing that creates social media posts for companies.

It was not risky. My start-up costs were a few hundred dollars. And I did not work 18-hour days. In fact, I only worked part-time.

I know this sounds too good to be true. But it’s real. You can do it too.

Here is the math on our student franchise:

4 hours per week per client

  • 2 hours to create 3 posts for 3 platforms
  • 30 minutes for revisions
  • 30 minutes for tracking and reporting
  • 30 minutes for 1 client meeting
  • 30 minutes for emails and posting

Roster of 5 clients

  • 5 clients X 4 hours/week = 20 hours/week
  • 5 clients X $1,100/month = $5,500/month, or $66,000 per year

Overall, you can work part-time but make a full-time income. And you can reduce your hours by becoming more efficient or hiring contractors.

Work smarter not harder

Most students are working hard at the wrong things. I know because that was me.

In high school, I worked up to 30 hours per week to provide for myself and help my family. In university, I took out loans to pay for my journalism degree. To gain experience, I took a low-paying job as the university’s newspaper editor and unpaid internships at national news organizations. To pay my bills, I worked as a bartender, nanny, and cashier.  I barely had energy to attend class.

At the time, I thought I was doing the right thing. But now I know that hard work is not enough. Instead, I should have been working hard on the right business.

Your opportunity

Looking back, I wish someone had helped me start Third Door Marketing. It would have saved me years of financial stress. It would have let me work on things I really cared about.

That’s why I’ve decided to offer top students their own Third Door franchise for $1. It’s a turnkey system for making money that includes training and clients. And the royalty is only 10%. In comparison, other student franchise companies charge an up-front fee of thousands of dollars and a royalty over 20%.

Learn more here ↦

Let’s open your Third Door together.

The greatest gift every girl can have is economic independence.

— Helen Mirren