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Why I opened my Third Door: Real-world entrepreneurship training

I can solve a standard Rubik’s Cube in exactly 52 seconds.

Since I was a little kid, I’ve loved solving problems. Naturally, I became an engineer. For my undergrad, I studied product development engineering. I worked hard and I was proud to graduate at the top of my class.

You might have heard that engineers often prefer machines or systems over people. For me, this stereotype isn’t true.

My favourite problems to solve are people problems. I love learning about how people think and feel. I love creating solutions that make people’s lives easier and better.  At the end of the day, people are just more fun than Rubik’s Cubes.

Because of my proclivity for people problem solving, I decided to become an entrepreneur. In late 2021, I began my Master’s in Entrepreneurial Engineering at the University of Ottawa

That’s when I realized I had a new problem to solve.

While I had a strong academic background, I didn’t have any practical business experience. I wanted to find a way to get real-world entrepreneurship training as quickly and effectively as possible.

It took me longer than 52 seconds, but I found the perfect solution to my problem: Third Door Marketing. Third Door is a social media marketing company that allows top students to open their own marketing franchise. They provide proven processes, training, and clients. Plus, Third Door allows me to do flexible part-time work, earn an income, and gain important experience while I complete my degree.

I opened my Third Door to get real-world entrepreneurship training that I can’t get in school.

Want to work with me? Open your Third Door today
